There are 30 teams signed up for this tournament, 30 teams have the correct number of players with PlayerIDs entered.
Name | Tag | Players |
Banbury Barbarians SF6 Team | BanBar | 3 |
CAVC Celts SF1 | CAVC | 3 |
CAVC Celts SF2 | CAVC | 3 |
Cornwall College Krakens | CCK | 3 |
Chi Cobras Monocled A | CCMonoA | 3 |
Cymoedd Crusaders SF (X) | colegSF | 2 |
CSGG Brawlers | CSGG Bra | 3 |
GCS Owls | GCSOwls | 3 |
Gy Galaxy SF LS | GyG SF1 | 2 |
Hopwood Hawks SF6 | Hawk SF6 | 3 |
Hullraisers - Armadillo57u (X) | HRSF6-AD | 3 |
Hullraisers - HuskyBonsai (X) | HRSF6-HB | 3 |
Hullraisers - Kiwi__2006 (X) | HRSF6-KW | 3 |
CRC Inferno SF6 | INF | 3 |
JLC Street Fighter | JLCSF | 3 |
KC Street Fighter 6 | KCSF6 | 3 |
London Loud Alpha Team | LLAT | 3 |
Loughborough College Lycans | LYCANS | 3 |
NCL Red | NCL | 3 |
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